Take Action


Connecticut-based organizations

Unidad Latina en Acción https://ulanewhaven.org

Black Lives Matter NH https://www.facebook.com/BLMNH/

Sex Workers & Allies Network https://www.facebook.com/swannewhaven/

Connecticut Bail Fund http://www.ctbailfund.org/about/

Stop Solitary: Connecticut https://endsolitary-ct.org


other organizing we love

Critical Resistance http://criticalresistance.org

Black and Pink http://www.blackandpink.org

Sylvia Rivera Law Project https://srlp.org

Bent Bars Project http://www.bentbarsproject.org

Break Out http://www.youthbreakout.org

Decarcerate PA https://decarceratepa.info

The Audre Lorde Project https://alp.org

Red Umbrella Fund https://www.facebook.com/redumbrellafund/


email beyondthecageproject@gmail.com if you would like us to include information about your organizing or upcoming action on our website.